§ 1 Name, seat, financial year
(1) The association bears the name “AMANA – platform for integration, education and development -“
(2) It has its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main
(3) It shall be registered in the register and after registration, additional “eV”.
(4) The financial year is the calendar year
§ 2 Purpose of the association
Purpose of the association is:
(1) First and foremost, here to spread information about people with an immigrant background in Germany, break down prejudices and thus to serve the peoples. The association promotes the tolerance towards other cultures and religions through the multicultural composition of its membership so that the dialogue between cultures is an integral part of club life.
(2) In particular, people in the countries of origin who are in need to assist with material resources, to provide financial assistance in the form of development aid and to encourage self-help.
(3) The youth services and child care to promote.
(4) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of section “tax purposes” of the Tax Code.
§ 3 Realization of the statute purpose
The statutory purpose to be achieved by:
(1) The organization of information evenings and events in Germany in order to learn about the situation of people with an immigrant background and the projects of the association. The association also occurs (eg newspapers) to the public.
(2) The long-term support abroad through cash or in kind means one or several projects selected by the club carefully, and with whom he remains in contact. The purpose of these projects are intended to reduce poverty and promote help for self-help. z. B. the self-help project “Farm”, which should help to impoverished families, by providing livestock and equipment to improve their economic situation.
(3) The implementation of education, Sozialpädagogische- and sports projects domestically. As example of this, the project is “educational oriented parents work with families in the European Community”.
(5) The income of the Association shall consist of membership fees, donations, public funds, generated proceeds from the actions referred to in (1), other actions such as Flea markets and other private or public benefits.
(6) The Association is active. He does not pursue its own economic purposes. The funds may be used only for the statutory tasks; Members receive no allowances from the funds of the association. Further, no persons are grants that are the purpose of the corporation alien, or be favored by disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 4 Memberships
(1) Ordinary member can be any natural or legal person who supports the aims of the association and promotes.
(2) The admission as a member is made by a written application and requires the approval of the Board. If the Board denies its consent, the General Assembly decides on the accession.
(3) People who are not full members, can be admitted as associate members. They differ from the ordinary members by the higher contribution rate. Supporting members may participate in all activities of the association. The active and passive election right is excluded for supporting members.
(4) A member who infriges against the interests of the association may be excluded by unanimous decision of the executive committee from the association. The decision must be notified in writing. Against the shelling, the person concerned may lodge an appeal with the board within 14 days. On the acceptance or rejection of the objection decides the general meeting.
(5) The membership will be terminated:
(a) by withdrawal of a member with a notice period of 3 months of the year. The resignation must be notified to the Board in writing,
(b) if the member, despite demand for payment with the payment of membership fees for more than 12 months in arrears
(c) by death of the member
(d) by exclusion from the association. The exclusion can not be challenged in court.
§ 5 Organs of the Association
The bodies of the Association are:
(A) the General Assembly
(B) the Executive Board.
(C) To support the association bodies they can form working groups as needed and appointed members, employees or other technical experts to collaborate.
§ 6 The Board of Directors
(1) The Management Board within the meaning of Par. 26 BGB consists of three board members. Two board members jointly represent the association. The association is represented judicially and extrajudicially by two board members.
(2) The Board is elected by the General Assembly for a period of four years. The election is carried out separately for each board member. To be elected, who receives the most votes. The Board remains in office until a new election takes place. If a board member from within a term of office, the Board shall elect a replacement member until the next General Assembly on this by the new board member will be elected.
(3) The Board is responsible to manage the current business of the Association. It decides on all measures of association, unless these are not expressly reserved to the general meeting. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority.
(4) task of the board is to convene the ordinary and extraordinary general meetings.
(5) The Management Board is obliged to carry out decisions of the General Assembly without delay.
(6) The Board accepts acceding and withdrawals. He decides practicing accession and the expulsion of a member (5 (d)).
(7) The members of the Board have no right to remuneration. You can get only reimbursed their necessary expenses.
(8) If a member of sick or ice, it is represented by its elected representatives. For this purpose the Board member authorized him in an informal authority.
§ 7 General Meetings
(1) An annual general meeting is to be convened in the first three months of each fiscal year.
The Board has a written invitation to respecting an invitation period of two weeks all club members. In the invitation, the agenda must be announced.
(2) The Management Board is obliged to convene extraordinary general meetings if the interests of the association require it. An extraordinary general meeting shall also be convened if one-quarter of the full members so request. For the form of the provision for the convening ordinary general meeting applies.
Tasks of the General Assembly:
(A) election and dismissal of the Managing Board
(B) discharge of the Board
(C) decision on the appeal against the expulsion of a member
(D) Resolution on the level of membership fees
(E) to approve all rules of procedure of the organs
(F) decisions on long-term, specific tasks and projects of the association.
(G) decisions on proposals submitted by the Board or Planning
(H) amendments to the statutes.
(I) dissolution of the Association
§ 8 Decisions of the General Assembly
(1) The General Assembly shall pass resolutions, unless otherwise determined by a simple majority of the full members present. In a tie, a motion is rejected.
(2) The dissolution of the association may decide just a 2/3 majority of all full members. Not released members must agree in writing.
(3) When amendments is, a 2/3 majority of the members present is required.
(4) the consent of all members is required to change the association’s purpose; not published members must agree in writing.
(5) The decisions or protocols of the General Assembly are signed by the club president and secretary.
§ 9 Dissolution of the Association
(1) In case of dissolution of the association or the elimination of tax-privileged purpose the incumbent Board conducts the business of the association even after its dissolution to end.
(2) Following the dissolution of the association or loss of tax-privileged purposes of the association’s assets falls to the City of Frankfurt, which has to use it directly and exclusively for the purposes of 2 hereof.
Frankfurt am Main, 14/06/2010